Park Avenue Recruitment
Congratulations to @[Emma Dawson](urn:li:person:tOQW1XQDhc) 🥳 our July Employee of the Month! ✨
Emma is always a shining example to the Park Avenue team, and during the past couple of months she has worked incredibly hard to not only take charge of her own professional growth, but to support her teammates and provide training on valuable skills she has developed 🤩
Emma has been a brilliant member of the team since the very first day she started and her contributions are always greatly appreciated 🙏
Thank you, Emma, for your consistent efforts and well done! 👏
{hashtag|\#|EmployeeoftheMonth} {hashtag|\#|recruitment} {hashtag|\#|teamwork} {hashtag|\#|development} {hashtag|\#|regeneration} {hashtag|\#|property} {hashtag|\#|publicsector} {hashtag|\#|localgovernment} {hashtag|\#|councils} {hashtag|\#|recruiter} {hashtag|\#|growth} {hashtag|\#|business} {hashtag|\#|parkavenuerec}