Park Avenue Recruitment
It's {hashtag|\#|TestimonialTuesday} 🥳 Shivani's consistent positive feedback is a real reflection of her dedication to her candidates and to providing an unparalleled service ✨
Shivani always ensures that she knows what drives each of her candidates and how she can better match them with opportunities that align with their ambitions 🤩
By fostering relationships built on trust and understanding, we contribute to fulfilling career journeys for both candidates and employers alike 🌟
If you're looking for your next placement within Executive Housing in the public sector, or interested in knowing more about contracting, get in touch with @[Shivani Sahaya](urn:li:person:vlnkrBffy8) or send us a message! 📞
{hashtag|\#|homelessness} {hashtag|\#|housing} {hashtag|\#|localauthority} {hashtag|\#|publicsector} {hashtag|\#|recruitment} {hashtag|\#|localgovernment} {hashtag|\#|localcouncils} {hashtag|\#|recruitment}