Park Avenue Recruitment
It's {hashtag|\#|TestimonialTuesday} 🥳 amazing work from @[Emma Dawson](urn:li:person:tOQW1XQDhc)!
Another brilliant testimonial in Emma's impressive collection from one of her current contractors 👏 demonstrating her expertise at all stages of the recruitment process 🌟
Emma is dedicated to offering tailored advice to every contractor she works with, providing detailed information and feedback at all stages of the process and making her candidates feel secure 🤝
If you're looking for a new placement within General Practice/Surveying in the public sector, or interested in knowing more about contracting, get in touch with Emma today or visit our website! 💡
{hashtag|\#|property} {hashtag|\#|surveying} {hashtag|\#|generalpractice} {hashtag|\#|contractjobs} {hashtag|\#|localauthority} {hashtag|\#|publicsector} {hashtag|\#|recruitment} {hashtag|\#|recruiter} {hashtag|\#|jobsinlondon} {hashtag|\#|localcouncils} {hashtag|\#|business} {hashtag|\#|london} {hashtag|\#|parkavenuerec}