Park Avenue Recruitment
It's {hashtag|\#|TestimonialTuesday} 🥳 @[Billy Hiron](urn:li:person:TD06qJjty0) ensures that candidates feel supported and valued throughout their job search 🔍
Billy's clear and thorough communication at every stage of the process not only reflects his professionalism but also builds lasting relationships 🤝
Constructive feedback after interviews is invaluable for candidates, whether they’re successful or not; it shows care and a commitment to their development 💪
If you're looking for a new placement within Town Planning in the public sector, or interested in knowing more about contracting, get in touch with Billy today or visit our website! 🔗
{hashtag|\#|candidatereview} {hashtag|\#|townplanning} {hashtag|\#|localgovernment} {hashtag|\#|publicsector} {hashtag|\#|recruitment} {hashtag|\#|localauthority}